Maybe you would like to fly off to Bermuda, sail the Caribbean or just hop down to Florida! If that's not an option, bring the tropics home from your favorite fruit stand or grocery store. I've just added a new recipe on the page above CAT FOOD - Let me know how you like Tropical Fruit Ice Freezey©. It's a new recipe I've just put together using currently available fruit.
Peaches and mangoes just naturally go together, so try your hand at this easy-peasey fruity dish; it's not overwhelmingly sweet, and Goldilocks would say, "It's just right"!
It is raining in Central Virginia! Hallelujah! We've had a delightful, gentle downpour off and on since mid morning. I had errands to run and deliberately left my umbrella in the car. I keep at least one in the car all the time and have 2 or 3 more in the coat closet.
I grew up in Albuquerque and never owned an umbrella out there; didn't have any use for one. Now, having a half a dozen of the things isn't uncommon. And losing them seems to be an option as well.
After temperatures in the triple digits for at least 4 days in a row last weekend and through the weekend, the 78º and rain fall are as welcome as Popsicles. I love this part of the country - come for a visit and see the green - you might want to stay.
I often post my projects on "Sew Many Ways" web/blog site. Karen, the blogger, is a Rhode Islander who has some delightful suggestions for sewing and other home living ideas. As a result of this exposure, my readership has expanded. Thank you all for that.
I've just added a summer beverage recipe that I think you'll love! Just click on the "Cat Food" page above, and you'll see that simple recipe - just think Peach! I made this recently and it was deliciously refreshing. While you're there, be sure to check out the other recipes.
My wee garden (all in containers) is coming along. The squash is blooming - that got a late start simply because of lack of planning. All of the tomatoes are blooming and I've several of the fruit in various sizes. So far, the squirrels have NOT discovered my garden. (Shhh!) The New Mexico Chili Peppers and the Sweet Yellow Banana Peppers are "coming on". There are many fragrances out in the patio as well, including dill, 2 varieties of basil and 2 of lavender, peppermint and rosemary. The Green Basil was a gift and it is the biggest, most fragrant of all my herbs. Oh, the green onions, mums, and marigolds add lovely color. a few Morning glories came back from last year and they're such fun in the morning .
I've rearranged a few of my pages and added one: Cat Can Reuse. Check out that page (at the top) for some ideas to re purpose old things. I'll be adding more and I get them photographed.
Hope your summer is terrific, whether you live in the country or simply wish you did!.
© 2012 Cat Brennan