My sewing machine has been running a lot! I enjoyed helping to celebrate three birthdays in November; now Christmas and six RED (adult) tutu's for a church program and many, many other sewing projects so I've been busy.
I'll be making at least two more tutu's for grand daughters; a red one and a purple one. Have a lot more "on the books", but I'm not going to divulge those surprises just yet!
Tom and Jerry's? Pineapple Surprise Jello? I'll be posting these and others in the next few days, so please, stay tuned. Be sure to try some of the other recipes I've posted. Unless otherwise noted, they are all MY creations or reinventions and YES, I've tried them all ... some are old favorites and some are getting there. They're all on the Cat Food page.
Speaking of staying tuned .. did you see the Lighting Celebration November 30th at Rockefeller Center (in person or on television)? Neil Diamond and Tony Bennett! ! Oh my goodness. Of course some of the up and coming 'young pups' were also featured, but Neil Diamond! I've always been a fan of his and you just can't not love Tony Bennett; he's older than dirt!
Do you have any special holiday traditions, ornaments or anything else? Want to share?
Have a wonderful Country life as the days wind down to Christmas.© 2011 Cat Brennan © 2011 Cats Country Place
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