WELCOME to My Rustic World © 2010 - 2015 Cat Brennan © 2010 - 2015 CatsCountryPlace
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas is nearly upon us, and I want to give you a couple of easy and quick ideas for your last minute preparations.
We draw names in my family and pull out the stops for that person. These gifts are usually opened on Christmas Eve, then, we all load up and go to church.
Afterwards, once the kids are snuggled down, Santa makes his visits; he never misses because the grand kids have Reindeer Dust .. it guides the Deer and then gives them a little snack while waiting for Santa. See my recipe on the CHRISTMAS page. I got this idea from a girl friend, then I Googled ® the idea and came up with my own mix.
No fireplace? Give Santa a key to the front door. Pick up some skeleton keys, new or used, and spray paint gold. Write a little note to Santa to leave outside for him to get in the front door.
Make some lanterns with large glass jars you would normally throw away; pickles, mayo etc. Paint a thin layer of Elmer’s Glue ® on the outside of the jar, then add torn strips and pieces of tissure paper in your favorite colors. Red and Green for the holidays. Add a layer of sand (or clay-style cat litter) and a votive candle. These are a modern version of luminarias that you can save and use year after year (multipurpose: if you have covered your “lanterns" in red, green and white, think red and white for Valentine’s Day romance, green and white for the wearin’ o’ the green in March, add a few blue ones, and you have red, white and blue for Independence Day, Memorial and Labor and Veteran’s Day – see where I’m going with these?).
Here’s another nice last minute (or planned) gift. With each candle you want to give, add a tag that says something like this: When you light this candle,

Cookies in the oven? And snacks are ready. Fudge, divinity and peanut brittle fixed? Find a website for the little ones to track Santa Claus - NORAD is a good one or perhaps you have a favorite radio station that will be tracking Santa’s trip from the north pole. Christmas music playing and all is well.
May your life be full of His perfect Peace, Joy and Love. Merry Christmas, from the Country.
©2010 Cat Brennan
©2010 Aunt Cat’s Place
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ornaments! If you read my bio, you know the story … I make ornaments every year for my family. There was one year I didn’t make them, for a reason I do NOT remember and I’ve not heard the end of it!
Most of the ornaments I've made have lasted for years, but a few haven’t. The ginger bread boys molded (yuck) and the crepe paper angels got squashed. One year I made tiny stockings from shiny gold lamé, stuffed them with cotton and then topped them off with “coal”; actually, I didn’t have any real coal, so I spray painted kitty litter black. (My mama was known for “make do” and “necessity is the mother of invention” and I got that gene).
This year, I’m making little puzzle piece wreaths for my co-workers. You can see those on the CAT’S CHRISTMAS, Country Style page. I’ve posted a new photograph of my lighted jeweled Christmas tree picture on that page because it’s a better shot.
How do you spell yummy? Check out my recipe on the CAT FOOD page for Peanut Butter Cups.
I’ve added a picture of the Raggedy Country Prints wreath I made for my front door; it’s on the CAT’S CHRISTMAS, Country Style page. Take a peek at the page CAT FUR to KITTEN BRITCHES where you’ll find a picture of the appliqued T Shirt I made for grand daughter, Joy; not a new creation, but I just found the photo.
Celebrate with your family and start some new traditions such as these: cut down your own tree! Read “Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve while sipping some of hot punch (you’ll find a simple, yet elegant and tasty recipe at my CAT FOOD page).

On Christmas morn, read the real story of Christmas out of the Message Bible® in Matthew 1:18 - 2:23. Some other nice traditions: line your paths, porch and sidewalks with luminarias .. (see below) .. these are those “little brown paper bags" in which you’ve placed 2 – 3 inches of sand and a votive candle (if you can’t find any dry sand in your yard, use clay-style cat litter).
If your family is a died-in-the-wool-we-don’t-open-presents-until-Christmas-morning, why not give a little. Let everyone open a single special gift on Christmas Eve (hint: make ornaments for this purpose) or make jammies and nighties for everyone in a warm, delicious RED flannel. Maybe everyone can have a pair of Christmas socks or a pretty mug or a special picture frame .. you get the idea. Make some new traditions this year, but don’t forget the old ones.
Have a warm, Country Christmas.
© 2010 Cat Brennan
© 2010 Aunt Cat's Place

I got this picture at Wikipedia®. This is the FIRST time
I have EVER quoted that site source, but this particular
photo is excellent. With the picture, Wikipedia® has a
good article regarding the use and legends of the
simple luminaria, or farolito as it is sometimes called.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Advent: that wonderful and miraculous time of year when the Christian world counts down to the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Most of us know that it wasn’t snowing that night when Mary gave birth in a lowly stable. And, most of us know that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th. To that, I say, “So what”?? We do know exactly when former presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were born and we don’t celebrate their births on those days.
Loving all things Christmas is strong in my family and among most of my friends. What joy we all get in giving gifts (and some of us will even admit to liking the receiving part too!).
Many of the women in my family make our gifts for one another; it gives us so much joy and pleasure. Hopefully, the receiver of our labors of love share in that happiness.
Check out the CAT'S CHRISTMAS, Country Style page, please. I promised to show you the Advent calendar I designed and made for my gal pal in Colorado. I am taking orders for Advent calendars for next year; contact me here or by email for particulars. I’ve come up with some other designs that I think you’ll like.
Hope you enjoy the Lighted Jeweled Christmas Tree picture I’ve put on that page, also (come for a visit and you can see it lit). It hangs in my entry way every year and is made from old jewelry. If you have a stash of old costume jewelry you “just can’t throw out or give away”, make yourself one of these beauties! Or, contact me, and we’ll negotiate.
Soon, I’ll add some Christmas ornaments that I think you’ll like.
Nestle in with a good cup of hot chocolate and stay warm. It’s that time of year. Until next time, have a wonderful Country Christmas no matter where you call home.
© 2010 Cat Brennan
© 2010 Aunt Cat’s Place
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