Ornaments! If you read my bio, you know the story … I make ornaments every year for my family. There was one year I didn’t make them, for a reason I do NOT remember and I’ve not heard the end of it!
Most of the ornaments I've made have lasted for years, but a few haven’t. The ginger bread boys molded (yuck) and the crepe paper angels got squashed. One year I made tiny stockings from shiny gold lamé, stuffed them with cotton and then topped them off with “coal”; actually, I didn’t have any real coal, so I spray painted kitty litter black. (My mama was known for “make do” and “necessity is the mother of invention” and I got that gene).
This year, I’m making little puzzle piece wreaths for my co-workers. You can see those on the CAT’S CHRISTMAS, Country Style page. I’ve posted a new photograph of my lighted jeweled Christmas tree picture on that page because it’s a better shot.
How do you spell yummy? Check out my recipe on the CAT FOOD page for Peanut Butter Cups.
I’ve added a picture of the Raggedy Country Prints wreath I made for my front door; it’s on the CAT’S CHRISTMAS, Country Style page. Take a peek at the page CAT FUR to KITTEN BRITCHES where you’ll find a picture of the appliqued T Shirt I made for grand daughter, Joy; not a new creation, but I just found the photo.
Celebrate with your family and start some new traditions such as these: cut down your own tree! Read “Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve while sipping some of hot punch (you’ll find a simple, yet elegant and tasty recipe at my CAT FOOD page).

On Christmas morn, read the real story of Christmas out of the Message Bible® in Matthew 1:18 - 2:23. Some other nice traditions: line your paths, porch and sidewalks with luminarias .. (see below) .. these are those “little brown paper bags" in which you’ve placed 2 – 3 inches of sand and a votive candle (if you can’t find any dry sand in your yard, use clay-style cat litter).
If your family is a died-in-the-wool-we-don’t-open-presents-until-Christmas-morning, why not give a little. Let everyone open a single special gift on Christmas Eve (hint: make ornaments for this purpose) or make jammies and nighties for everyone in a warm, delicious RED flannel. Maybe everyone can have a pair of Christmas socks or a pretty mug or a special picture frame .. you get the idea. Make some new traditions this year, but don’t forget the old ones.
Have a warm, Country Christmas.
© 2010 Cat Brennan
© 2010 Aunt Cat's Place

I got this picture at Wikipedia®. This is the FIRST time
I have EVER quoted that site source, but this particular
photo is excellent. With the picture, Wikipedia® has a
good article regarding the use and legends of the
simple luminaria, or farolito as it is sometimes called.
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