Christmas is nearly upon us, and I want to give you a couple of easy and quick ideas for your last minute preparations.
We draw names in my family and pull out the stops for that person. These gifts are usually opened on Christmas Eve, then, we all load up and go to church.
Afterwards, once the kids are snuggled down, Santa makes his visits; he never misses because the grand kids have Reindeer Dust .. it guides the Deer and then gives them a little snack while waiting for Santa. See my recipe on the CHRISTMAS page. I got this idea from a girl friend, then I Googled ® the idea and came up with my own mix.
No fireplace? Give Santa a key to the front door. Pick up some skeleton keys, new or used, and spray paint gold. Write a little note to Santa to leave outside for him to get in the front door.
Make some lanterns with large glass jars you would normally throw away; pickles, mayo etc. Paint a thin layer of Elmer’s Glue ® on the outside of the jar, then add torn strips and pieces of tissure paper in your favorite colors. Red and Green for the holidays. Add a layer of sand (or clay-style cat litter) and a votive candle. These are a modern version of luminarias that you can save and use year after year (multipurpose: if you have covered your “lanterns" in red, green and white, think red and white for Valentine’s Day romance, green and white for the wearin’ o’ the green in March, add a few blue ones, and you have red, white and blue for Independence Day, Memorial and Labor and Veteran’s Day – see where I’m going with these?).
Here’s another nice last minute (or planned) gift. With each candle you want to give, add a tag that says something like this: When you light this candle,

Cookies in the oven? And snacks are ready. Fudge, divinity and peanut brittle fixed? Find a website for the little ones to track Santa Claus - NORAD is a good one or perhaps you have a favorite radio station that will be tracking Santa’s trip from the north pole. Christmas music playing and all is well.
May your life be full of His perfect Peace, Joy and Love. Merry Christmas, from the Country.
©2010 Cat Brennan
©2010 Aunt Cat’s Place
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